Wow! I cant believe that it has been almost a month since my last post. So much has happened that I dont know if I can remember and get it all out here, but I'll try. My trip home was good. Randall helped me pack up my storage and pack the moving truck. I drove that Monster all the way to Kendallville without killing myself or any innocents. Dad, Dad, Mom, Mary and Trinity helped me move into the new place in Kendallville. It's a small apartment and I had to be creative with my storage but I think it's going to work out great for me. It is so comforting to know that I have a "home" now.
Trinity only has 2 1/2 weeks left here with me and I am dreading her going back home. We have spent quite a bit of time at the beach and the dog beach. Our first day on the beach we went sand-dollar hunting thanks to a friendly local who showed us how....we found 10 complete and intact sand dollars in about an hour!! Trinity was soooo excited. We had a lot of fun. I have to be careful how long she is out in the sun though...that girl burns sooooo easily.
San Diego has a variety of "off-leash" parks for dogs and I have been hesitant to take Aco although wanting to very, while we were there one day, just checking things out we met Mia. She had a beautiful dog with her although I cant remember the breed and she convinced me to let Aco run free. The dogs had a great time running and playing with each other. Since that first day, we have been to the dog beach once or twice a week. I'm going to miss the beach when we leave. Aco has gotten more used to the surf and will actually get a little wet now with some coaxing with a frisbee or a ball!!
I almost feel bad that I havent' shown Trinity more of what San Diego has to offer but I have been so stressed you cant even begin to imagine. I will explain more of that a little later. Trinity and I have explored Balboa Park, watched the hang-gliders jump from the cliffs over LaJolla, walked LaJolla Cove, visited Scripps Aquarium, window shopped at the local mall, watched War of The Worlds in the front row the day after it released and have become addicted to Cold Stone Creamery!! We celebrated Trinity's birthday with Sushi for lunch and presents and cake from Cold Stone! I think she enjoyed herself. We went to Mt. Soledad with Clint, another Nurse traveler to watch the fireworks and had an awesome view of the city and the coast. We were able to see all three sets of fireworks from Coronado Island along with the ones from Pacific Beach and Ocean Beach and also Sea World. There with other scattered fireworks also. We played yatzee and mancala while sitting on a blanket waiting for the sun to set. It was the best sunset we have seen since we've been here.
There is still so much on our to-do list....Sea World, Old Town, Cabrillo National Monument, Little Italy, Mexico. I just dont know if we'll get it all done before she has to go. The best part of the summer so far is just having my family together....Corey swamped us at Yatzee one night getting 10 Yatzee's in a row!! Trinity and I spent about two hours last night working on the San Diego scrapbook. I love how it's coming along. Unfortunately for the first two weeks that Trinity was here we kept forgetting to take the camera along with us so we didn't get pictures of lots of things. I think we're making up for it now!!