Yep!! Surgery!! Had a little fender bender today. Was attempting to turn left and the guy behind me smashed into my drivers side front...I dont know how he managed this!! I guess he was trying to pass me on the left as I was turning and didn't realize that I was turning...yes, I had my turn signal on!! I'm ok, and he seemed to be fine too...didn't complain of any pain or anything....just the poor poor Explorer. This is gonna cost me....between the deductable and the rising insurance rate...going to be fun...NOT So, I'm supposed to get a rental tomorrow morning...I hope they come through because I am also supposed to be working tomorrow and need a car!! The tow truck is going to pick her up at Noon.... I really dont want to drive her, although I probably could. I dont have a drivers side mirror and something is making a weird sound in the front end
It's been a busy week back at work and I still didn't make that call to my attorney...will do it tomorrow, I promise!! I am narrowing down my choices for my next assignment and trying to stick with the January 17th deadline that I set.
I decided that I am too broke to venture to New York for New Year's so I think that I am going to go into Boston and see what "First Night" is like there...looks like it could be fun and the weather is going to be the 50's I think. I'll let you know how it turns out... Edited 1/1/05 Decided to spend New Years in this year and sipped coffee and talked on the phone with my daughter in Indiana to bring in the New Year...
The next chapter: Living, writing and experiencing it one day at a time.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Slumber Party at the Airport...
It's now 1:24am and I am sitting at Dulles airport. "why?" you may ask. My flight from Dulles to Indianapolis was cancelled. Upon arriving at Dulles, my flight was delayed, and delayed...then we were waiting for the Captain to arrive from Cleveland, OH (yeah ok...there was no flight coming in from Cleveland). So the Captain finally arrives and we board the plane....after sitting on the plane for aproximately 25 minutes and finally getting comfortable for the flight to Indy...the Captain comes over the intercom and announces that our flight has been cancelled!! Off we go...well at least off the plane. ok, now it's 1:31am (i've effectively wasted 6 minutes of my life). My dad was on his way to Indy to pick me up at the airport and now he is stuck in the horrible weather in Indy...and probably cursing me as we speak!!
Ok...just so you know, I stopped the above and am just now finishing it....
Well, I finally made it to Indy and Dad and Mary arrived safe yet tired at the airport to pick me up. We had a safe trip to Kendallville. Picked up Trinity and had a wonderful Christmas with her. We got to go to Carlos O'Kelley's (my favorite) and to Build-A-Bear where Trinity made a "Skate Boarding Monkey" named Bam Bam! Lots of fun. I ate way too much chocolate...and food!! I got to see all the family but didn't have time to see my friend Kim. I am sooo sorry Kim...things just got so busy and having lost a day made it worse!! I will try to meet up with Kim at the end of January when I am back home for a couple of days...
The trip back was uneventful. At least in comparrison to the trip there... Only problem, other than my flight being delayed was finding my luggage in the mass confussion at Logan airport!!
Back in Mass now and things have been hectic...several new patients to see, lots of admissions, and total confussion on the part of the company that I'm working big surprise!! I am beginning to feel the "crunch" to commit to my next assignment but at the same time am waiting for the "perfect" job... I am going to give it two weeks and them I am determined to commit to something so I can begin the planning for the move. January 17th is my deadline.
I was unable to meet with my attorney due to the flight cancellation so I am going to set up a phone conference with him to go over the details of what I am requesting. Hold on....ok...I'm back. Had to add that to my calender so I wont forget to call him!! Yes...I have issues!!
Oh, yeah!! I went broke over Christmas....didn't we all?? I found a new household member!! Corey and I have been looking for a dog to add to the family. While we were in Ft Wayne, shopping, Trin and I went to the pet store and fell in love with the cuttiest little Jack Russell Terrier....bought her...and brought her back to Mass with me!! She is 10 weeks old and the cutiest thing you have ever seen.... She is a wonderful traveler (slept through both flights to Mass), she is learning to potty on paper, and she already knows what "no" means!! She is wonderful so far except that she likes to chew on anything that is paper....maps...magazines....paper towels...tolite paper....and of course my work papers!! Gotta fix that before it becomes a BIG problem!!
So, enough for today I guess??
Ok...just so you know, I stopped the above and am just now finishing it....
Well, I finally made it to Indy and Dad and Mary arrived safe yet tired at the airport to pick me up. We had a safe trip to Kendallville. Picked up Trinity and had a wonderful Christmas with her. We got to go to Carlos O'Kelley's (my favorite) and to Build-A-Bear where Trinity made a "Skate Boarding Monkey" named Bam Bam! Lots of fun. I ate way too much chocolate...and food!! I got to see all the family but didn't have time to see my friend Kim. I am sooo sorry Kim...things just got so busy and having lost a day made it worse!! I will try to meet up with Kim at the end of January when I am back home for a couple of days...
The trip back was uneventful. At least in comparrison to the trip there... Only problem, other than my flight being delayed was finding my luggage in the mass confussion at Logan airport!!
Back in Mass now and things have been hectic...several new patients to see, lots of admissions, and total confussion on the part of the company that I'm working big surprise!! I am beginning to feel the "crunch" to commit to my next assignment but at the same time am waiting for the "perfect" job... I am going to give it two weeks and them I am determined to commit to something so I can begin the planning for the move. January 17th is my deadline.
I was unable to meet with my attorney due to the flight cancellation so I am going to set up a phone conference with him to go over the details of what I am requesting. Hold on....ok...I'm back. Had to add that to my calender so I wont forget to call him!! Yes...I have issues!!
Oh, yeah!! I went broke over Christmas....didn't we all?? I found a new household member!! Corey and I have been looking for a dog to add to the family. While we were in Ft Wayne, shopping, Trin and I went to the pet store and fell in love with the cuttiest little Jack Russell Terrier....bought her...and brought her back to Mass with me!! She is 10 weeks old and the cutiest thing you have ever seen.... She is a wonderful traveler (slept through both flights to Mass), she is learning to potty on paper, and she already knows what "no" means!! She is wonderful so far except that she likes to chew on anything that is paper....maps...magazines....paper towels...tolite paper....and of course my work papers!! Gotta fix that before it becomes a BIG problem!!
So, enough for today I guess??
Monday, December 20, 2004
Two Days...
Well, I'm down to two days before I leave to visit my family. It is going to be an eventful visit, I'm sure! In some ways, I dread going home. There are so many people to see and no one ever seems happy that I've spent enought time with them. I guess this should make me happy, however all it does is makes me feel guilty. My primary reason for going home, of course, is to see my daughter...if only my ex would let her come to me, at least that way I could actually spend time with her and not have to spread myself so thin. I would love to wisk her away and spend an entire four days with just her....but instead, we will rush around trying to visit all the family for the traditional "family" get-togethers. Then at the end of the day, Trinity and I will have no time for "us"....we will be too tired from running around all day to actually enjoy spending time together.
The first thing that I have to do when I get to town is to meet with my attorney...I am really not looking forward to this as I know it will put me in a bad mood... Then I am going to try to rush to pick up Trinity. Trinity and I are going to do some last minute Christmas shopping for her cousin and my nephew Trey. Then we are going to Moms, where we will be staying for the remainder of my time home. On friday, I need to go and see my Grandma. Mind you, I love my Grandma...but when it comes down to spending time with her versus time spent with Trinity, I would really rather spend time with Trinity. It has been almost two months since I have seen my daughter and I will only be home for four days... I am taking Trinity home Friday night so that she can spend Christmas morning with her Dad. On Saturday, I will pick up Trinity at Noon from her dad then we are going to my Dad's for Christmas dinner... Sunday will be spent at my Mom's with the family for Christmas dinner, then I will leave on Monday around noon.... Please tell me where the time for my daughter is?? I really wish that my ex would stop being an asshole and let me see her more regular.
Maybe by us going to court this issue will be solved...I sure hope so!! I feel like I am rambling so I am going to stop now. Besides, I am sad now!!
The first thing that I have to do when I get to town is to meet with my attorney...I am really not looking forward to this as I know it will put me in a bad mood... Then I am going to try to rush to pick up Trinity. Trinity and I are going to do some last minute Christmas shopping for her cousin and my nephew Trey. Then we are going to Moms, where we will be staying for the remainder of my time home. On friday, I need to go and see my Grandma. Mind you, I love my Grandma...but when it comes down to spending time with her versus time spent with Trinity, I would really rather spend time with Trinity. It has been almost two months since I have seen my daughter and I will only be home for four days... I am taking Trinity home Friday night so that she can spend Christmas morning with her Dad. On Saturday, I will pick up Trinity at Noon from her dad then we are going to my Dad's for Christmas dinner... Sunday will be spent at my Mom's with the family for Christmas dinner, then I will leave on Monday around noon.... Please tell me where the time for my daughter is?? I really wish that my ex would stop being an asshole and let me see her more regular.
Maybe by us going to court this issue will be solved...I sure hope so!! I feel like I am rambling so I am going to stop now. Besides, I am sad now!!
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Christmas 2004 Taunton Style

Christmas with Walter's crew...
Posted by Hello
Told all of you that I was going to a Christmas Party with my friend Walter....We had a great time. It ended up being an adventure just to get the party going... Walter was in charge of the turkey. They usually have him deep fry one. Once I got to Walter's, we packed up the truck and headed on our way... Stopped at Wal Mart along the way to pick up some oil for the turkey fryer. What should have taken 5 minutes ended up taking about 45. Aparently no one in Wal Mart knows where to find anything!! We wandered all over the store in our attempt to find peanut oil....asked multiple employees along the way and finally...hear a page overhead "would the customer looking for peanut oil please come to the front of the store". So, to the front we one would think that they would have the oil in hand for us, right? Wrong. Once we got to the front of the store...then, they sent someone to the shipping area to get it for us... Ok, oil in hand and off we go!! We get to Denis and Alicia's to find that the propane tank is empty... Off to find propane...this ended up being an easy task. Remember that I really dont know any of these people very well, except Walter...and due to the events that took place over Labor Day Weekend (sorry, I wont disclose those here), I had no idea how these friends of Walter's were going to accept me. Alicia and Dennis were nice as ever...Walter and I arrived long before the rest of the guest so that he could get the turkey going. Things were a little slow going... Finally, the guests began to arrive...Lance, Jim, Kim (her new boyfriend showed up later), some neighbor guy from Canada and his wife, and a bunch more that I cant remember the names!! Sorry!!
We spent the evening drinking, eating, yankee swap (I got a bottle of Kalua~somehow it didn't come home with me), and games.... The group welcomed me with open arms and a few swats on the ass...guess that means that I am part of the group now?? We had a fire outside in the fire-pit, who wants to be outside in 15 degree weather?? Not me!! I froze my ass off. Walter and I left around 12-1am. I dont really know what time it was~wasn't paying attention.
When I woke up this morning~Walter informed me that his son was getting dropped off in like 20 minutes!! Now....realize that I have no interest in becoming part of this man's family...I do not want his son to "get to know" me....I like Walter and enjoy spending time with him but some things are meant to remain separate and me and kids is definately one of those things....Walter knows this!! So, I quickly shower and get out of dodge!! Come to find out, I left my brand new pants there in my rush to get going (yes, I wore pants home....just a different pair). So, guess I'll be calling Walter to figure out when I can pick up my stuff.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Feeling better
Ok, I'm feeling a little better tonight than I did last night. The virgo in my composed a list. It's amazing what can be accomplished with a list. I was able to catch up on most everything. Today I went shopping for me and bought not one but two new outfits, I will wear one of them for tomorrow's party. The other one was "just because". I bought Trinity's Christmas presents...still need to wrap them, but the shopping part is finished. I also got her Christmas PJ's!! I wasn't able to get what Corey wanted because I couldn't find it...the stores that I went to were, he will have to wait until after Christmas for his "big" gift. I did however, fill his stocking (your never too old for a stocking), and I got him a couple of small things that I think he'll like. I finally decided on a gift for Walter. All of the laundry is finished!! The dishes are done....the refridgerator is full....
*whew* It is now after midnight and I am beat!! It has been a long yet productive day.
Now I am going to "veg" and try to get some sleep. I am looking forward to the party tomorrow night and hope to get lots of pictures to share with everyone. I really wanted to get something sexy to wear to the party but opted for something more least the outer clothes are reserved (we wont discuss the least not here!).
I think the only thing left for me to do this weekend is to relax and enjoy myself and that is exactly what I plan to do. Come Monday, things will get stressful again as I am leaving on Wednesday for home. Did I mention that Corey is not going home with me for Christmas? I know....your thinking, "what an awful mother to leave her son on Christmas.." but this is what he wants. I dont like the thought of leaving him here in Boston by himself, but I have to remember that he is almost an adult *uggggh* what a thought!!
Happy Friday to everyone!!
*whew* It is now after midnight and I am beat!! It has been a long yet productive day.
Now I am going to "veg" and try to get some sleep. I am looking forward to the party tomorrow night and hope to get lots of pictures to share with everyone. I really wanted to get something sexy to wear to the party but opted for something more least the outer clothes are reserved (we wont discuss the least not here!).
I think the only thing left for me to do this weekend is to relax and enjoy myself and that is exactly what I plan to do. Come Monday, things will get stressful again as I am leaving on Wednesday for home. Did I mention that Corey is not going home with me for Christmas? I know....your thinking, "what an awful mother to leave her son on Christmas.." but this is what he wants. I dont like the thought of leaving him here in Boston by himself, but I have to remember that he is almost an adult *uggggh* what a thought!!
Happy Friday to everyone!!
Friday, December 17, 2004
A Night out with the girls....

Me and Sue...I think we are sitting on the bar??

Last Thursday the girls...Maria and Sue and I went to the bar and had a couple of drinks. Well, I guess I have to be honest...I had a few too many drinks. This was the first time in a long time that there are parts of the night that are fuzzy to me. A good time was had by all...i think??
Thursday, December 16, 2004
No time to waste time...
I'm feeling a little overwhelmed today...well, actually for the past week. I feel like I have so much that needs done and the more that piles on...the less I want to do. I have a Christmas party on Saturday during which we will be having a "yankee swap". I already have a gift for the swap but need to get some paper and tape to wrap the damn thing. I also need to get a gift for Walter for Christmas...I have been meaning to do this for several weeks and now it is two days away and still not done!! In addition, I was supposed to go shopping for an outfit for the party and still have not done that...two days!! Who knows if I'll get it done or not? The problem gets dark so damn early 4:30pm it's black outside and then I dont feel like doing anything. Remind me to NEVER spend the fall/winter on the East coast EVER again!!
Then...I am flying out to go home next Wednesday!! I am still trying to decide if I should buy gifts for all of the family (yes...i do procrastinate). I know what the kids (mine) want and have known for several weeks and still have yet to buy one single gift!! I dont really have the extra cash to buy for all of the family and really dont want to drag a bunch of gifts with me on the flight home but somehow I still feel like I "should" get something for everyone!! Uggghhhh "what to do??"
*sigh* I have a bathroom floor full of laundry that needs done, a sink full of dishes, an empty refridgerator/cupboard, need to pack for my trip home, buy Christmas gifts (at least for the kids)...........................
On top of all of this the weather is calling for a "nor-easter" coming on Monday!! I have bald tires on my truck and cant afford the $400 for new ones due to my ex-asshole taking me to court!! Guess I'll just call in if the roads are bad...wouldn't do the kids much good if I'm DEAD!! And although the last thing that I am looking forward to is ~SNOW~
Maybe the Virgo in me would feel better if I make a list...yeah...that's what I'll do!! A list always makes a Virgo girl feel better, ask anyone that knows me. I think it's time for my "shot" also. I need to check on that...been kinda short and bitchy lately and that is usually the first sign.
Going now to make that list.....
Then...I am flying out to go home next Wednesday!! I am still trying to decide if I should buy gifts for all of the family (yes...i do procrastinate). I know what the kids (mine) want and have known for several weeks and still have yet to buy one single gift!! I dont really have the extra cash to buy for all of the family and really dont want to drag a bunch of gifts with me on the flight home but somehow I still feel like I "should" get something for everyone!! Uggghhhh "what to do??"
*sigh* I have a bathroom floor full of laundry that needs done, a sink full of dishes, an empty refridgerator/cupboard, need to pack for my trip home, buy Christmas gifts (at least for the kids)...........................
On top of all of this the weather is calling for a "nor-easter" coming on Monday!! I have bald tires on my truck and cant afford the $400 for new ones due to my ex-asshole taking me to court!! Guess I'll just call in if the roads are bad...wouldn't do the kids much good if I'm DEAD!! And although the last thing that I am looking forward to is ~SNOW~
Maybe the Virgo in me would feel better if I make a list...yeah...that's what I'll do!! A list always makes a Virgo girl feel better, ask anyone that knows me. I think it's time for my "shot" also. I need to check on that...been kinda short and bitchy lately and that is usually the first sign.
Going now to make that list.....
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Cause #44cxxxxxx
For those of you that haven't read my AOL will be lost. Sorry. I talked to my attorney today and scheduled an appointment to meet with him while I am home over Christmas...what a great way to spend the time that I am supposed to be spending with my daughter that my ex states I am not spending!! Irony? So, I am mailing out the retainer tomorrow and hopefully the court date can be moved to a later date...the later the better!! My attorney has not gotten my initial letter that I mailed on he'll re-think his decision to represent me? So, I am looking forward to hearing what he has in mind for a counter-petition. I'll keep you posted...
On the note of my physical endeavers...I am continuing to do well. I did another hour today but for some reason this was much more difficult today than yesterday. I had a long work day today, so I'll attribute it to that and plug away again tomorrow.
Looking forward to Saturday. I am going to a christmas party with Walter (we met camping in New Hampshire over the summer). Good group of people to party with. It should be a great time. Not a boring office party!! Work is trying to get together a "Yankee Swap" but fortunately for me, it's scheduled for the same day that I am leaving for Kendallville!! Did I mention that my friend from Louisville, Randall, is picking me up at the airport in Indianapolis and driving me to Kendallville? If you know. I am looking forward to seeing him as we havn't seen each other since I left in June. It is always good to connect will old friends!!
On the note of my physical endeavers...I am continuing to do well. I did another hour today but for some reason this was much more difficult today than yesterday. I had a long work day today, so I'll attribute it to that and plug away again tomorrow.
Looking forward to Saturday. I am going to a christmas party with Walter (we met camping in New Hampshire over the summer). Good group of people to party with. It should be a great time. Not a boring office party!! Work is trying to get together a "Yankee Swap" but fortunately for me, it's scheduled for the same day that I am leaving for Kendallville!! Did I mention that my friend from Louisville, Randall, is picking me up at the airport in Indianapolis and driving me to Kendallville? If you know. I am looking forward to seeing him as we havn't seen each other since I left in June. It is always good to connect will old friends!!
Monday, December 13, 2004
Tired of AOL
I am tired of using AOL for my journaling so I thought that I would try this and see if I like it. Here is a link to my AOL journal. I dont know how aol works or if my journal will be available after I discontinue my aol service....
Hope you enjoy reading...
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