Monday, December 20, 2004

Two Days...

Well, I'm down to two days before I leave to visit my family. It is going to be an eventful visit, I'm sure! In some ways, I dread going home. There are so many people to see and no one ever seems happy that I've spent enought time with them. I guess this should make me happy, however all it does is makes me feel guilty. My primary reason for going home, of course, is to see my daughter...if only my ex would let her come to me, at least that way I could actually spend time with her and not have to spread myself so thin. I would love to wisk her away and spend an entire four days with just her....but instead, we will rush around trying to visit all the family for the traditional "family" get-togethers. Then at the end of the day, Trinity and I will have no time for "us"....we will be too tired from running around all day to actually enjoy spending time together.

The first thing that I have to do when I get to town is to meet with my attorney...I am really not looking forward to this as I know it will put me in a bad mood... Then I am going to try to rush to pick up Trinity. Trinity and I are going to do some last minute Christmas shopping for her cousin and my nephew Trey. Then we are going to Moms, where we will be staying for the remainder of my time home. On friday, I need to go and see my Grandma. Mind you, I love my Grandma...but when it comes down to spending time with her versus time spent with Trinity, I would really rather spend time with Trinity. It has been almost two months since I have seen my daughter and I will only be home for four days... I am taking Trinity home Friday night so that she can spend Christmas morning with her Dad. On Saturday, I will pick up Trinity at Noon from her dad then we are going to my Dad's for Christmas dinner... Sunday will be spent at my Mom's with the family for Christmas dinner, then I will leave on Monday around noon.... Please tell me where the time for my daughter is?? I really wish that my ex would stop being an asshole and let me see her more regular.

Maybe by us going to court this issue will be solved...I sure hope so!! I feel like I am rambling so I am going to stop now. Besides, I am sad now!!

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